Bring the Benefits of IPM to Your School
· Protect children from toxic exposures that damage their health, development, learning and behavior.
· Encourage and support schools going from pesticide-based pest control to an ecologically-sound and child-safe pest prevention system.
· Establish community partnerships that promote child-safe values and practices.
· Create a long-term commitment to reducing pesticides in all areas of community and municipal life.
Roles and Responsiblities
· Teach the use of brain power and team work instead of toxic chemicals to prevent and control pests such as headlice, mice and cockroaches.
· Spot conditions that invite pests and allow them to thrive such as open dumpsters, leaky faucets and wet trash.
· Encourage collaboration among all building users in adopting the good hygiene, sanitation and maintenance practices that protect against pests.
· Use higher level thinking and problem solving skills and encourage learning partnerships among students, staff and parents.
· Help schools reap the health, educational and financial benefits of planning and prevention in the operation of school facilities.
· Achieve school conditions that are a source of pride to friends and neighbors.
· Promote environmental ethics for the citizens of the 21st century.
· Educate the whole community, including children, about the principles of pollution prevention and sustainable practices that benefit everyone.